
The Gangetic Foreland is a consequence of continent-continent collision and formation of the Himalayan thrust and fold belt. In the more distal part of the peripheral Gangetic foreland basin, the Late Quaternary sedimentary architecture analysis from 17 stratigraphic successions together with optically stimulated luminescence dating (OSL) divulge interaction of peripheral bulge tectonics and climate over the past ~100 kyr. These sections exhibit three sedimentary packages formed under different environmental conditions. Detailed vertical and lateral sedimentary architecture delineates nine lithofacies that are grouped into three facies associations, (i) flood plain facies association, (ii) channel facies association, and (iii) interfluve facies association. The basal package-I, >114 ka old, was deposited by sandy meandering channels and overlying to this with a hiatus of ~30 ka is package-II, ~80–54 ka, deposited by gravelly rivers. The sediments of both the packages-I, II are derived from rocks exposed in the peripheral bulge region. Overlain package- III, deposited by small meandering channels, consist of the sediments derived from the Himalaya. The results indicate that the duration of 80–54 ka was a period of forebulge uplift when gravelly fans prograded basinward. Below the fan sediments lies a peripheral bulge unconformity marked by regionally significant pedogenic horizon. This pedogenic horizon qualifies as to be termed as peripheral bulge uncomformity. After 54 ka, the fine Himalayan sediments onlap the cratonic sediments implying rather a stable forebulge tectonics coupled with fluctuating climatic conditions, occasionally bringing micaceous gray coloured sand-silt of Himalayan origin.

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