
The interaction of tectonics and climate is considered the main determining factor in the development of different depositional systems (from aeolian to alluvial to lacustrine environments) in intermontane basins. The role of these allogenic controls forces the paleoenvironmental evolution of intermontane basins. In this work, we analyse a Miocene (15–11.5 Ma) synorogenic and volcaniclastic succession of an intermontane basin of the Northpatagonian Andean foreland region. The evolution of the infill was synchronously developed with the Andean uplift and, consequently, with the rain shadow effect generation. A detailed sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis allowed to define eight facies associations, which are lateral and vertical stacked into three different depositional systems. Alluvial depositional systems occurred between 15 and 14.6 Ma, deltaic–lacustrine systems took place between 14.6 and 12.75 Ma, and a reinstatement of alluvial depositional systems occurred between 12.75 and 11.5 Ma. These variations in the depositional systems were contrasted with synchronous tectonic and climatic changes and some considerations about the role of these allogenic controls were discussed to unravel their influence on the paleoenvironmental evolution. The onset of the deltaic–lacustrine depositional system was related to a tectonic reconfiguration whereas the reinstatement of the alluvial depositional system was associated with a regional aridization. Additionally, since the composition of the succession is mainly volcaniclastic, the explosive volcanism is considered and discussed as an extra allogenic control on the evolution of the basin.

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