
A high-power hydrogen thyratron grid-anode structure has been developed using a 5949 thyratron cathode assembly. One such device was operated for 10 h at 2000 A, 32 kV, at 1400 pps with a pulse width of 0.3 µs. Another was operated for periods up to 220 h at 1000 A, 100 kV, at a duty cycle of 0.00004. The duty cycle is presently limited by our test modulator circuit. Trigger requirements are 2 kV at 50 Ω with a 2.5-µs duration. The jitter was nil when measured with a Tektronix 517 oscilloscope using a sweep speed of 50 ns/cm. The anode delay time is in the range of 1/4 to 1/2/ µs. The grid-anode geometry is designed for a minimum anode-grid capacity, thus providing a tube with a higher repetition rate capability. The field emission limit up to 100 kV is not evident in the normal sense in this geometry.

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