
Abstract Introduction XRAS (extended reality-assisted surgery) is a revolutionary modality that assists the surgeon in real-time by overlaying 3-dimensional computer-generated images into the users’ field of view. Objective To insert a Titan 3-piece inflatable penile implant (IPP) on cadaver A and a male virtue sling on cadaver B while utilizing XRAS as a training tool. Methods Two cadavers were used for this lab. While 2 surgeons were present and operating on the physical bodies, 2 additional physicians were remote and communicating via HoloLens 2 Developer Editions. By utilizing the Apoqlar©Hamburg, Germany application, the 2 remote surgeons could communicate, observe, and advise the live surgery. Cadaver A was in the supine position for a penoscrotal approach while B was in the lithotomy position for placement of the male virtue sling. A questionnaire was issued to attendees after the procedures to evaluate the role of the HoloLens in the operating room. Results While performing the respective surgeries on the two cadavers, XRAS was successfully implemented in real-time. Superimposed virtual surgical devices were placed and manipulated in 3D space during surgery to allow for augmented surgical technique during penile implant and male virtue sling insertion. The questionnaire yielded findings that, of the 4 attendees who participated in the surgery, all were in favor of integrating XRAS into the operating room. Attendees reported minimal overheating and discomfort, and sufficient battery life for a 90-minute interval. Conclusions XRAS represents the next paradigm shift in surgery and surgical training. It provides an augmented surgical view all while ergonomically positioned on the head of the surgeon. Implementation of XRAS in surgery can improve efficiency, education, accuracy, and surgical outcomes. Further studies and evolution of the software are needed to elucidate the value of such technology for real-time surgery. Disclosure Yes, this is sponsored by industry/sponsor: Coloplast Clarification Industry funding only - investigator initiated and executed study Any of the authors act as a consultant, employee or shareholder of an industry for: Coloplast

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