
s of Laser Helsinki 2012 International Congress Helsinki, Finland, 24–29 August 2012 Laser basics, safety and standards 1 Laser medicine in modern electronic databases of scientific information A.V. Geynits 1, T.A. Pronina2, V.N. Kamenskaya1, G.I. Tziganova1, G.K. Boljakina2. 1 State Research and Clinical Center for Laser Medicine of Healthcare Ministry of Russa, Moscow, Russia; 2 VINITI RAS, Moscow, Russia Introduction: electronic databases (DB) of scientific information are becoming very important for developing fundamental researches and practical applications in laser medicine (LM) all over the world. Purpose: to assess the presentation of laser medicine problems in large DB in Internet. Materials and Methods: search for DB: Medline, SCOPUS, The Cochrane Library and Russian Index of Science Citation (RISC). Search terms: LM, photodynamic therapy (PDT), low-level laser therapy (LLLT); to search in bibliographical descriptions in periodicals. Results: By “LM” inquiry 21792 citations have been found in Medline; among them – 4559 full texts in free access, 2336 reviews. The earliest publication was made in 1963; for the first 20 years 3723 citations have been found; for the last 5 years – 7236 citations, 5% out of them are published in “core” clinical journals, 5%clinical trials, 0.3% – meta-analyses and 0.3% – practical recommendations. In English – 89% of publications. “PDT” inquiry in Medline has opened 14910 citations; out of them 2058 full-text free articles, 2404 reviews. The first publication was made in 1956; for the last 5 years 4635 citations were found; out of them 3% are published in “core” clinical journals, 7% – clinical trials, 0.3% – meta-analyses and 0.2% – practical recommendations. In English – 92%. 1360 citations from 160 sources have been found in SCOPUS for the last 5 years by “LM” inquiry. The first place belongs to publications of international conferences and scientific journals of biophysical and biomedical directions. Half of these works are published in 26 journals; the second half is distributed among 132 journals. In Cochrane Library “PDT” inquiry has opened 13 Cochrane Reviews; the first one is dated 2008; 12 – Other Reviews; the earliest one – in 2001; 3 – Methods Studies, 43 – Technology Assessments, 17 – Economic Evaluations, 583 recordings in the Register of controlled trials. By “LLLT” inquiry the following figures were received: Cochrane Reviews – 9, Other Reviews – 20, Methods Studies – 5, Technology Assessments – 16, Trials – 498. In RISC for the last 5 years by “LM” inquiry 683 citations from 214 journals have been found, the majority of which are leading peer-reviewed journals 1572-1000/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. published in Russian Federation. Journal “Lazernaya Medicina” has the first rating position; specialized journals on dermatocosmetology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, dentistry have also high rating positions. Citation number is steadily increasing: 92 in 2007 versus 156 in 2011. “PDT” inquiry in RISC has opened 665 citations from 160 journals; the first citations – in 1999; for the last 5 years 435 works have been published. The majority of them are in journal “Lazernaya Medicina”; journals on oncology, ophthalmology and dermatocosmetology have also high rating positions. Conclusion: The modern LM is a dynamically growing heterogenic bulk of experimental and clinical information presented in large international and national DB. Access and search interfaces in these DB have their peculiarities. In English DB experimental studies prevail over clinical ones, while in RISC the situation is opposite. It should be underlined that recently problems of laser medicine have been summarized and evaluated with evidence-based medicine instruments, have become attractive for Cochrane collaboration what should increase the quality of trials and effectiveness of clinical application of medical lasers.

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