
This chapter deals with the interpretation of the Woodcock–Johnson III tests of cognitive abilities. The Woodcock–Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities represents the culmination of nearly four decades of systematic psychometric test development. The WJ III COG was developed to provide reliable and valid measures of a number of important cognitive abilities for individuals ranging from preschool-age children to persons in late adulthood. When the accumulated evidence for the validity of the WJ III COG is evaluated within the context of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, it is clear that the WJ III COG has “raised the bar” with regard to state-of-the-art assessment of human cognitive abilities. Because test validation is considered an ongoing process, further research by the test authors and by independent researchers should reveal additional valid uses and interpretations of the battery and, most likely, uses and interpretations that should not be undertaken because little or no validity evidence supports them. Psychologists, educators, and other assessment specialists should continue to seek evidence supporting their interpretations and, when possible, act upon that evidence. Finally, this chapter provides the basis on which these professionals may accomplish these goals.

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