
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses Sandia Octahedral Molecular Sieves (SOMS). The niobate-based sieves have a Na/M IV /Nb oxide framework, with variable M IV :Nb (1:50–1:4) ratios, exchangeable sodium (Na) cations, and H 2 O in open channels. Synchrotron X-ray, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and thermal and elemental analyses are combined to solve the structure of SOMS-1: Na 16 Ti 3.2 Nb 12.8 O 44.8 (OH) 3.2 · 8H 2 O. SOMS have extreme selectivity for divalent cations. The ion-exchanged SOMS undergo direct thermal conversion to perovskite-type phases, indicating a promising new method for the removal and immobilization of radioactive strontium (Sr)-90 and industrial resource conservation and recovery act (RCRA) metals.

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