
The study guide was prepared by employees of the Department of World Economy, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Economics, Management and Law of the Russian State University for Humanities with the participation of a team of researchers from the Autonomous Non-profit Organization “National Development Institute” of the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The deceased M.I. Gelvanovskii, Doctor of Economics, Professor, one of the leading Russian economists was the head of the team. This publication includes his latest works and is dedicated to his memory. This review is an analysis of the study guide “The World Economy. Systemic Shifts and the Global Security Problem of the 21 st Century”, the authors of which tried to reflect in the format of the study guide the shifts in global economy, the causal relationship between those shifts and the aggravation of the global security problem, as well as demonstrate possible options for strengthening Russia’s economic sovereignty as a means of counteracting those negative trends. Over the past decade, the global economy has experienced systemic shifts unprecedented throughout the post-war period. Not only the hierarchy, but also the composition of the subjects of the world economy is changing, the question of the need for reform of the world monetary system is being raised more and more acutely. All the shifts result in a sharp aggravation of the global security problem. Given the new realities, the authors quite reasonably set as their goal the formation of the reader’s basics of knowledge about the world economy under the conditions of rapid systemic changes, as well as understanding the need to establish a sovereign development model in Russia as one of the main conditions for ensuring global economic security. The authors paid special attention to a possible model for the formation of regional currencies with the participation of Russia and some of the BRICS countries as a counterweight to the current de facto world dollar currency system. In general, the study of shifts in the global economy is exclusively relevant and important both scientifically and in practical terms.

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