
The relevance of the research topic is due to the determining influence of social class appearance, the occupation and the previous geographical place of migrants’ residence on the further social and economic development of the populating region. On the example of the largest rural settlement of Tambov Governorate – Rasskazovo village – we show the features of state peas-ants migrations to the region of traditional agriculture (Central Black Earth Region) on the microhistorical level during the foundation and settlement by them the separate settlement in Zalesskiy stan of Tambov County in the late 17th – early 18th century. During the study we define the date and geographical location of the Rasskazovo village foundation – Lesnoy Tambov. We give brief information about the biography of its founder beekeeper S.A. Rasskaz – Vodyanov. We describe the nearest surroundings of the village with the indication of smallholders and the names of their owners. We analyze the course of home settlement of the village in the first years of its existence with the usage of data of census lists, census books and household censuses. We determine the range of settlement from which palace peasants moved to a new place of residence. We try to determine the class structure of the villagers in the first half of the 18th century. We also trace the demographic growth of the village in the period 1697–1744. We reveal a number of features of the primary (to the village) and secondary (to new places of residence) migrations of the first Rasskazovo settlers.

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