
This article describes the basic rights and obligations of refugees by the legislation of Ukraine.The rights and obligations of refugees by the legislation of Ukraine are properly established in accordance with international legal standards, and the main problem in modern Ukraine is compliance with the legislation on the rights of refugees. This category of individuals often experiences difficulties in connection with registration at the place of residence, obtaining permanent or temporary housing, employment at a new place of residence. There are difficulties with medical care and pension provision.The rights of refugees are a general component of the human rights system, the presence of a special mechanism for the protection of their rights does not mean for them exclusion from the general system of protection of human rights and freedoms, but it is organically included in the system of international legal protection of human rights.The presence of a large number of refugees in the world indicates numerous problems in the peaceful coexistence of states in various regions of the planet, including, unfortunately, in Europe, where more than 10 million Ukrainians have already become refugees as a result of full-scale brazen Russian aggression, in addition, there are many refugees in Europe, from conflicts in Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Georgia, Kosovo, Nagorno-Karabakh. As a result of objective circumstances, all these people were forced to leave their native homes and become refugees. The presence of millions of refugees from different parts of the world indicates the need for radical reforms of the UN, which is increasingly finding it difficult to ensure international law and order and conflict resolution, and also indicates the need to improve the mechanism for the protection of human rights at the universal level.Human rights, protection and promotion of the realization of rights have always been and remain a priority area of activity of our state. At the current stage, in the conditions of the military regime introduced in Ukraine, the need to improve the existing mechanisms for the protection of human rights, including refugees and forced migrants who are forced to leave their places of permanent residence, is becoming extremely urgent. The activities of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and his cooperation with the Government of Ukraine are important in this area.

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