
In this second part of this series of works a taxonomic revision was made regarding two genera of the Tribe Ischnopterites, Episymploce and Scalida, found in the Ryukyus and Taiwan. Genus Episymploce Bey-Bienko A redefined generic diagnosis of Episymploce, compared with those of Symploce s. str., is as follows : a. Male supraanal plate divided distally or asymmetrically formed, usually with a sharp median incision with ventral spinous projection (s). b. Male hypandrium definitely asymmetrical, its extreme base furnished with sharp spine (s) on each side. c. The lateral margin of 9th tergite covers the sides of hypandrium, sometimes provided with a small spine on this margin. d. In all the species examined left phallosome of males sickle-shaped, turning at right angle with the "handle" abruptly thickened. e. Female supraanal plate is, in general, slightly divided at the apex. 9. Episymploce sinensis (Walker) A remarkable reddish brown species with broad black marginal area in the wings. Shiraki (1931) misidentified one female of this species as a male Blattid, "Periplaneta apicalis Shiraki" together with a female of a Hebardina species! The type locality of sinensis (Walker) is "Hong Kong", then recorded from "Peking" and "Nanking". In Taiwan this species seems to be very rare. 10a. Episymploce formosana formosana (Shiraki) As stated in my previous Note, Shiraki (1931) synonymized this species with "Ischnoptera modestiformis Karny", but I found that this is a good species examining both the type materials. Perhaps not uncommon in Taiwan. Based on the description and type material Shiraki's "Ischnoptera asymmetrica" appears a synonym of this species. 10b. Episymploce formosana yoshinoe (Shiraki) In examining the type material of "yoshinoe" preserved in the National Taiwan University the prothorax and wings are much broader than those of "formosana". But since I could not recognize any distinct difference in the structure of male hypandrium I now lower yoshinoe on a subspecific level of formosana. In this connection I have never found Shiraki's "yoshinoe var. brevielytra" in the collection of National Taiwan University, there was, instead, a female labelled "makiana n. sp." (nom. nud.) which also appears to be a formosana yoshinoe. 11. Episymploce princisi nov. Karny (1915) misidentified this species to be Burmese "Ischnoptera multiramosa Brunner v. W." which seems quite different from ours at least in the absence of dark spots on the prothorax. Princis's new name "karnyi" is a nomen nudum, and since no reliable description has ever been made I gave it here based upon my new material taken in the mountains of Taiwan. 12. Episymploce amamiensis Asahina This slender species is allied to the preceeding one at least in the presence of paired dark stripes on the prothorax, but differs from princisi in the character of male hypandrium and female supraanal plate. Distributed from Amami Islands as far north as Yakushima. 13. Episymploce yashiroi (Shiraki) A small pale brownish species, first described from Okinawa and later found rather common throughout the other Ryukyu Islands south of Okinawa. I examined one male specimen taken in Taiwan (Baibara, in coll. Hokkaido Univ.), and believe that "Symploce taiwanica Bey-Bienko" (1969) is the same species. Several Episymploce specimens in the Micronesian collection (♂♂♀♀ Babeldaub, Palau Islands) seem also the same or very closely allied species, and I even suppose "Symploce vietnami Bey-Bienko" taken in Vietnam appear to be yashiroi if seen from the brief picture given by Bey-Bienko. 14. Episymploce taiheizana nov. A very slender species with a round dark spot on the prothorax. Confined to Taiheizan Mountains in North Taiwan. Genus Scalida Hebard Superficially these insects lo

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