
STEM is the acronym of the first letters in English of science, technology, engineering, and maths. This is a training concept that is related to inspiring young people to develop in the field of science and technology. This concept implies a holistic approach in education - learning all the subjects studied to contribute to inspiring students and to educating personal qualities for successful realization in the field of science and technology. From a didactic point of view, this concept implies unity between content and organization of learning, between teaching and learning. The implementation of STEM training in elementary school corresponds to one of the applications of this concept, namely that development itself is an irreversible process characterized by favorable sensory periods. The sooner STEM training takes place, the better. In economically developed countries there are real practices of introducing STEM training even for the youngest children of 3+ years. The object of the present study is the technology and entrepreneurship education as an element of STEM training in elementary school, and the subject - the personal development of students in technology and entrepreneurship education as an element of STEM training in elementary school. The aim of the paper is to present our approaches to technology and entrepreneurship education as an element of STEM training to support the personal development of pupils of primary school age. In the course of the research we carry out the following tasks: 1. Clarifying the essence of STEM training. 2. Developing approaches to technology and entrepreneurship education to help students' personal development. 3. Matching the results of technology and entrepreneurship training to labor market requirements.

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