A high mortality rate due to acute myocardial infarction (AMI) stimulates the analysis of the quality of emergency medical care at the prehospital stage. Firstly, an analysis of the reasons for the treatment of patients with AMI to general practitioners is necessary. Secondly, the quality of the provision of medical services by general practitioners is one of the criteria for the effectiveness of the implementation of patient management protocols, which requires a systematic analysis and relevant studies.The objective: to analyze the provision of emergency medical care to patients with acute myocardial infarction without ST segment elevation (NSTEMI) when they seek medical care.Materials and methods. The referral routes for hospitalization of patients with acute coronary syndrome and clinical manifestations were analyzed among 280 patients with STEMI and 91 patients with NSTEMI. The assessment of treatment tactics in patients with NSTEMI was carried out in the following paragraphs of the emergency medical care protocol: determination of blood saturation, ensuring reliable venous access, administration of nitroglycerin in aerosol (1–2 doses or 0,4–0,8 mg), use of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) after chewing 160–325 mg, the use of clopidogrel 300 mg orally; the appointment of β-blocker; narcotic analgesic; anticoagulant. Statistical data processing was carried out using non-parametric criterion χ2.Results. Appeals to primary health care centers were significantly more frequent in patients with NSTEMI, due to the clinical course of the disease.Conclusion. At the stage of medical care by general practitioners, only the appointment of acetylsalicylic acid met the criteria for the implementation of the protocol for the provision of emergency medical care to patients with NSTEMI.
Аналіз надання екстреної медичної допомоги хворим на інфаркт міокарда без елевації сегмента ST при звернені по медичну допомогу Є.В
MATERIALS AND METHODS The study is based on data obtained during a comprehensive examination and dynamic follow-up of 280 patients with stable St segment elevation (STEMI) and 91 patients without St segment elevation (NSTEMI)
The analysis of complaints in the examined patients is presented in table 1
A high mortality rate due to acute myocardial infarction (AMI) stimulates the analysis of the quality of emergency medical care at the prehospital stage. The objective: to analyze the provision of emergency medical care to patients with acute myocardial infarction without ST segment elevation (NSTEMI) when they seek medical care. At the stage of medical care by general practitioners, only the appointment of acetylsalicylic acid met the criteria for the implementation of the protocol for the provision of emergency medical care to patients with NSTEMI. Мета дослідження: аналіз надання екстреної медичної допомоги хворим на ГІМ без елевації сегмента ST (NSTEMI) при їхньому звернені по медичну допомогу. Цель исследования: анализ оказания экстренной медицинской помощи больным острым инфарктом миокарда без элевации сегмента ST (NSTEMI) при их обращении за медицинской помощью. The objective: to analyze the provision of emergency medical care for patients with NSTEMI when seeking medical serves
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