
Introduction: Apparently, distance Education and the research associated with it, will ex-perience great growth in the 21st century. Students of all levels of education are invited to follow the rapid rates of this development and familiarize themselves with Information and Communication Technologies, so as to cultivate new skills in order to progress in learning and be ready for the challenges of the modern society. The purpose of this postgraduate thesis is to explore and exploit the means and ways that benefit distance Education, in order to ensure the quality of the experience of Primary School students. For this purpose, a course was studied, designed, developed, implement-ed and evaluated based on the project's teaching model, with the contribution of new learning theories and the use of asynchronous and modern computing environments. The method followed in order to investigate and assess the quality of experience for Primary School students in Distance Learning, was Design Research. Focusing on the de-sign experiment and the organization of innovative educational interventions conducted in Electronic Classroom Conditions, theoretical approaches were made, educational prac-tices were implemented, digital educational material was created and qualitative, au-thentic evaluation of the data were obtained, with the rubric assessment or of clas-sified criteria. The results of the survey were grouped into five criteria for assessing the performance of the rubric assessment in terms of the quality of experience of Primary School students in Distance Education. The standards, therefore, which were set as indicators of the quality of the learning experience, were as follows: 1. Quality of Interaction of the learning ma-terial, 2. Quality of course structure, 3. Quality of assignments, 4. Quality of support pro-vided by the teacher; 5. Quality of the teacher and quality of the administrative support of Distance Education. Both the qualitative rating of the criteria (standards) and the numeri-cal scale converged on the final rating of Rubric assessment by: excellent 5. Discussion: The results of the Rubric and the investigation with qualitative research tech-niques of the perceived quality of the learning experience for the students aged 7-8 years old who took part in the implementation of this research-teaching proposal-intervention, show particularly satisfactory and promising for the future of Distance Education in Pri-mary Education. Need less to say that the teacher-creator should possess specific charac-teristics in order to enable students to interact with the content and not lose interest in learning.

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