
Pear is a priority crop for Prykarpattia and Naddnistrianshchyny. This is facilitated by the natural and climatic conditions of the region. Therefore, at the Prydnistrovska Research Station of Horticulture, IH NAAS, the main directions of scientific work are the creation of new high-yielding varieties of autumn and winter ripening periods, which are characterized by high marketable fruit qualities, winter hardiness, resistance to major diseases and are well adapted to local growing conditions. As a result of many years of work of breeders of the station V.I. Saiko and L.F. Satina varieties of autumn, winter and late-winter ripening periods were obtained: ‘Bukovinka’, ‘Burshtynova’, ‘Zveniachynska’, ‘Krunpoplidna’, ‘Osin Bukovyny’, ‘Chernivchanka’, ‘Khotynchanka’, ‘Kucherianka’, ‘Storozhynetska’, ‘Yablunivska’. These varieties are grown in different regions of Ukraine. The article presents the results of breeding research on the breeding of new varieties and elite forms of pear selection at the research station. Namely, ‘Lastivka’, ‘Legenda of the Carpat’, ‘Saiva’ and hybrids 1-8-45/00, 2-14-22/05, which are characterized by a complex of economic and valuable traits. Varieties and hybrids of the intensive type, quick-fruiting, with high productivity potential and resistance to major diseases. Fruiting on the forest pear rootstock was early (third to fifth year after planting). The average yield for planting schemes of 4.5 x 3 m was 37.2 t/tree (27.5 t/ha). The fruits are characterized by high commercial and taste qualities (8.8-9.0 points) and an attractive appearance (the ‘Lastivka’ variety has a light blush, and the 2-14-22/05 hybrid has red fruits). The variety ‘Legenda of the Carpat’ stood out in terms of fruit size with an average weight of 323 g, the maximum – 408 g. Varieties and forms are characterized by resistance to scab (Venturia pirina), and ‘Legenda of the Carpat’ – to fruit rot (Monilia fructigena Pers.) and high resistance to bacteria (Erwinia amylovora Burill.). Key words: pear, hybrids, variety, selection, early fruiting, taste, stability, productivity.

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