
This study evaluates the efficiency of phosphorus absorption from soil and fertilizers by modern varieties of oats of Tyumen selection. The studies were carried out in field and laboratory conditions. The scheme of the experiment provided for options with the introduction of increasing doses of mineral fertilizers, calculated for the planned yield from 3.0 to 6.0 t / ha. The following doses of fertilizers were applied in the experiment: N60P20; N90P40; N150P60; N200P80 kg/ha of active substance. The option without mineral fertilizers was taken as a control. Varieties of oats were sown: Talisman; Otrada; Foma. During three-year experiments, it was found that the phosphorus content in the grain of the studied varieties of oats is 0.86–1.11%; in straw - 0.26-0.27%. The application of mineral fertilizers increases the phosphorus content in the grain to 0.97-1.15%. The phosphorus content in straw increases only with the addition of N150P60 and N200P80 kg /ha – 0.47-0.53%. In the absence of fertilizers, the economic removal of phosphorus is for the variety: Talisman – 20 kg / ha; Otrada and Foma – 28 kg/ ha. With an increase in the level of mineral nutrition of household takeaways increases to 95 kg / ha. Varietal features are manifested only when fertilizers are applied at doses of N90P40 and N150P60 kg/ha. For the formation of 1 ton of grain in the absence of fertilizers, 12-14 kg of phosphorus is required. The application of fertilizers for the planned yield of up to 4.0 t / ha of grain does not affect the specific removal of phosphorus. Further increase in the level of mineral nutrition (N150P60 and N200P80) increases the specific removal to 17-19 kg / t of grain. This indicator mainly depends on the level of mineral nutrition and to a lesser extent on the varietal characteristics of oats. The use of the element balance method for the planned yield of oats ensures maximum absorption of nutrients from fertilizers - the balance coefficient of phosphorus use from fertilizers is more than 100%, while the bulk of the crop is formed due to the active consumption of soil phosphates. Scientific novelty. It was found that the Foma oat variety most effectively absorbs phosphorus from fertilizers and soil, relative to the standard Talisman variety. Keywords: AGROCHEMISTRY OF OATS; ECONOMIC REMOVAL, COEFFICIENTS OF USE FROM FERTILIZER, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF GRAIN, VARIETAL AGROTECHNICS, MODERN BREEDING, PLANNED YIELD, SPECIFIC PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL, LEVEL OF MINERAL NUTRITION, FERTILIZERS

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