
The paper presents the results of a study of long-term (from 2003 to 2021) measurements of the specific activity of natural (226Ra, 232Th, 40K) radionuclides and artificial 137Cs in surface soil samples and soil profiles, including the dependence of the specific activity of radionuclides on some soil properties (content organic matter, pH level) in the observation zone of the Rostov NPP. In accordance with the requirements of radioecological monitoring, the study of the state of terrestrial ecosystems was carried out considering landscape-geochemical and climatic conditions in control plots with Haplic Kastanozems, Gleyic Kastanozems, Endosalic Kastanozems and Umbric Fluvisols soils laid out in the study region in 1999–2000 as part of pre-start monitoring of the Rostov NPP. It has been shown that there is a decrease in the specific activity of 226Ra in all studied soil types. A regular redistribution along the profile of artificial 137Cs in the Gleyic Kastanozems soil was revealed. There is no redistribution of natural radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th, 40K) in soil profiles over time. The minimum specific activity of radionuclides is recorded in Umbric Fluvisols soil located in the floodplain of the Don River. A linear dependence of the specific activity of 137Cs on pH and humus was established (r=0.62 and 0.88, respectively). Keywords: RADIOECOLOGICAL MONITORING, ROSTOV NPP, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL RADIONUCLIDES, ORGANIC MATTER, pH

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