Abstract. The purpose of the study was to study the effect of various methods of cultivating the variety of common myrtle Yuzhnoberezhny on the change in the content of macro- and microelements in raw materials, to compare the component composition of the essential oil obtained in the long-term and overgrowth form of its cultivation. Myrtus communis L. is a representative of the Mediterranean plant community, which since ancient times has been used for medicinal purposes and as a spicy culture. In the Nikitsky Botanical Garden – the National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a variety of common myrtle South Coast was created. The variety is recommended for industrial cultivation on the territory of the southern coast of Crimea. Methods. The mineral composition of the raw materials was determined by dry ashing of leaves cut in the phase of technological maturity. The content of seven essential elements was determined on the quantum 2MT atomic absorption spectrophotometer: potassium in the emission mode, calcium, magnesium, ferrum, manganese, cuprum and zinc in the absorption mode. The component composition was studied in samples of essential oil on an Agilent Technology 6890N chromatograph with a 5973N mass spectrograph detector. Results. The maximum yield of medicinal raw materials in these soil and climatic conditions was ensured sprout cultivation, in which the rate of shoot formation increased by 2.6 times, and the yield of leaf, which is the raw material for the essential oil and food industries, increased by 37 %. The method of cultivating myrtle influenced the content of essential elements in the raw materials: the growth of ferrum and zinc was facilitated by the overgrowth form of cultivation, and cuprum and manganese – by many years. The amount of ferrum in the phase of technological maturity of the leaf was 84.37 mg/kg: in leaf-growing leaves 2.67 times more than in raw materials with a long-term form of cultivation. For cuprum, the opposite tendency was obtained – during germination cultivation, its concentration decreased by 2 times. The culture and variety are characterized by a high amount of magnesium and calcium in the leaf mass, regardless of the method of cultivation, up to 3.3 times the daily requirement of a person. Scientific novelty. A distinctive feature of this culture and variety is its high manganese content (20.2 mg/kg) in comparison with other perennial crops growing in this area (Helichrysum, Lavandula, Elsholtzia).
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