
The Russian preposition s (with the instrumental case) exhibits an am- biguity which makes it apt for being used in puns and anecdotes. In cer- tain contexts it oscillates between a more semantic function (comitative meaning in a broad sense) and a more syntactic. In the latter case it forms a preposition phrase which fills an actant position of another predicate.


  • The Russian preposition s (with the instrumental case) exhibits an ambiguity which makes it apt for being used in puns and anecdotes

  • The Russian preposition s exhibits an ambiguity which makes it apt for being used in puns and anecdotes. In certain contexts it oscillates between a more semantic function and a more syntactic. In the latter case it forms a preposition phrase which fills an actant position of another predicate

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The Russian preposition s (with the instrumental case) exhibits an ambiguity which makes it apt for being used in puns and anecdotes. Ервое толкование более естественное, так как в этом контексте глагол танцевать имеет сильную валентность на «контрагента» (Апресян 1974, 125). Акая возможность в данном случае облегчается, по-видимому, тем, что танцевать можно и без контрагента. Зависимости от присутствия или отсутствия контрагента, выраженного при помощи предлога с, могут реализоваться два совершенно различных значения.

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