
The purpose of this study is to explore the meaning and role of Study Club, a student-led study group in universities, as a major-specific extracurricular program. To this end, we collected and analyzed the operation data of the study club operated at K University as part of the university innovation support project, and based on the contents of the study club corresponding to the average number of club members, we analyzed the study club as a major-specialized extracurricular program. Meaning and role were derived. As a result, the mode of number of study club members was 5, and the type was analyzed based on the main contents of activities for each study club. K University's study club had distinct characteristics of deep learning type and specialized inquiry type, and a mixture of characteristics of deep learning type, specialized inquiry type, and problem solving type. This suggests the importance of the role of the professor, who is the study club's human resource and the club's topic and content planner. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data to specialize student-led study groups into extracurricular programs in future major areas.

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