
Common juniper (Juniperus communis L.) is one of the most widespread undergrowth species in the forests of Russia. It has not only important silvicultural significance but is also widely used in economic activities. Numerous works of Russian and foreign authors are devoted to its study. The article shows the results of geobotanical and forest inventory studies of a unique area of pine plantation in the Kirillovskiy district of the Vologda region. In the second understorey of which tree-form common juniper grows. The stand was classified as high-density (relative fullness – 0.85) and low quality (quality class – V–IV). The total stock of trunk wood on the site is 280 m3/ha, including the stock of juniper wood – 28 m3/ha. The average diameter of juniper trunks is 14 cm, the average height is 11 m and the age is 180 yrs. This is several times higher than its usual parameters in other forests. A significant number of specimens of juniper (50 pcs/ha) are in the stage of drying out or have already died and represent dead wood of different years. The number of small and medium-sized juniper undergrowth is 1.5 ths pcs/ha or 62.5 % of the growing. Undergrowth of European spruce, downy birch and black alder is also found. The existing undergrowth is assessed as promising, but Scots pine undergrowth is missing. The ground cover is dominated by green and sphagnum mosses as well as shrubs of the Ericaceae and Vacciniaceae families. The study of such objects, extremely rare not only in the north of the European part of Russia, but also everywhere, is of great practical importance. It is also important for understanding the biology of the only representative of the Cupressaceae family that naturally grows here. The tree-form juniper in the pine plantation has survived and reached a size not typical for this species due to the inaccessibility of the site, the lack of fires and forest felling. Such forest areas should be identified, protected, and subjected to stationary research. For citation: Evdokimov I.V., Dobrynin A.P., Armeeva N.A. Tree Form of Juniper (Juniperus communis L.) in the Forests of the Vologda Region. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 5, pp. 201–209. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021-5-201-209


  • Numerous works of Russian and foreign authors are devoted to its study

  • The article shows the results of geobotanical and forest inventory studies of a unique area of pine plantation in the Kirillovskiy district of the Vologda region

  • The stand was classified as high-density and low quality

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Объекты и методы исследования

Летом 2019 г. на территории Коротецкого участкового лесничества Кирилловского лесхоза (кв. 84, выд. 23) Вологодской области был исследован лесной массив (географические координаты: 60o23ʹ10ʺ с. ш. и 38o49ʹ22ʺ в. д.) со значительным участием во втором ярусе древовидного можжевельника. 23) Вологодской области был исследован лесной массив Наши исследования касаются лишь геоботаники, лесоводственных, таксационных особенностей и лесовозобновления. При проведении таксационных работ был использован метод угловых проб (круговых площадей) [11]. М = f GH, где М – запас стволовой древесины, м3/га; f – видовое число; G – сумма площадей сечения, м2/га; H – средняя высота, м. Е. путем закладки (случайным образом) пробных круговых площадок радиусом 2,53 м (20 м2) и дальнейшего подсчета деревьев с учетом породы и крупности. N = 500n/k, где N – количество подроста, шт./га; n – количество подроста на k учетных площадках, шт.; k – число учетных площадок, шт. Для уточнения ботанических названий встреченных растений применяли определители [6, 9]

Результаты исследования и их обсуждение
Ярус Травянокустарничковый
Ель европейская Ольха черная Береза пушистая Можжевельник обыкновенный
Можжевельник обыкновенный
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