
Глиняний посуд IX–XVII століть з розкопок Верхнього замку Вітебська поділяється накухонний, столовий і тарний. Кухонний посуд IX–XI століть представлено винятково горщиками,кухонна кераміка XII–XIII століть – горщиками, латками, сковородами, мисками, трапляютьсяпокришки горщиків. Кераміка цього часу має аналоги на великому просторі Руси. Модифікаціякухонного посуду відбулася впродовж XIV–XVI століть. XVII століття представлено широкимасортиментом кухонної, столової та тарної кераміки: кухонним посудом (полив’яні ринки,горщики й макітри /біл. – «макотры»/ без поливи); столовою керамікою (полив’яні макітри,миски, полумиски, тарілки, блюдця, заварники, глечики, «глякі», кубки, чарки, братини й братинки,сільнички й посудини для спецій); тарною керамікою (баклаги /біл. – «биклаги»/, горщики-двійнята/біл. – «спарышы»/). За технологією виготовлення виділено теракотову, вкриту зеленою поливою,мальовану, поліхромну, чорну димлену лисковану, морену кераміку.
 The article reviews the earthenware of 9th-17th centuries from the archaeological excavations in1977–1993 on the Upper Castle of Vitebsk. During the researches about 10 000 fragments, 20 wholeand restored vessels have been collected. All pottery can be divided into two big chronological groups.The first group includes the pottery of 9th–13th centuries, the second one – of the 14th–17th centuries.As per their purpose there are kitchenware, dinnerware and container ware.The dishes of 9th century are exclusively represented by the kitchenware. Once there was a pot whichprobably served for transportation of food. All the pots are stucco ones; they have direct analogues amongthe vessels of those times as the Krivichs had. The pottery of the 10th century is ceramic, it has rich decorin the form of multi-row waves and lines. The volume of some vessels is 300 grams. The analogues of thepottery are spread on all the territory of the Polotsk and Smolensk lands. The pottery of the 11th centuryis thin-walled; it had a cuff from the outer side of the corolla. This type of the pottery is known practicallyin all monuments of the Kievan Rus. The pottery of the 12th-13th centuries is more various. Except thekitchen pots occasionally clay pans, roasters and dishes can be met and pot lids are known. Up to 8 typesof the corolla decoration of the kitchen pots have been highlighted. Their analogues have been originatedfrom excavations of numerous cities of Rus of the 12th-13th centuries. The pots in the shoulder area havea sharp edge. It is the influence of the gothic style which came to the lands of Belarus in the late 13th –early 14th centuries. In the following two centenaries the shoulder edge has been smoothed out. Thesechanges are characteristic in whole for the pots of the Renaissance and early barocco on the territory ofthe Eastern Europe. In the 16th century among the pots there are big ones, which height and diameter ofthe mouth reach 28-32 cm, volume from 3 up to 5 liters. In the 14th–16th centuries roasters and dishes arebeing used. The roasters have a massive hollow handle or a handle in the shape of a semicircular bracket.The dishes have 26 cm in diameter of the mouth and thickness of the walls up to 1 m.The roasters and dishes are made of grey clay. Among the dishes there is a fragment of a hugedish, probably not for a kitchen purpose. The poppy-basins and clay pans on legs are also known. Theirappearance is most likely Western European innovation. The poppy-basins have a hollow handle forinserting of a wooden handle.The dinnerware dishes are represented by not big cups and charkas. The pottery of the 17thcentury detects diversity of kitchenware, dinnerware and container ware, which was caused by theshop production. The production technology becomes very diverse. Green-glazed, polychrome, smoked,black-flattened and welded pottery is widely used. Generally the pottery of those times is very close tothe Belarusian traditional pottery of 19th century. The materials of excavations from the Upper Castle ofVitebsk give the possibility to track in dynamics formation of assortment, changes in technology of dishesproduction at a wide chronological segment and extrapolate the conclusions on adjacent monuments.

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