
The article examines the scientific issues of quality improvement through further the quality management systems improvement that are formed at the service sector enterprises in Ukraine. It is proved that Ukraine's integration into the European community requires focusing on the competitiveness issues. According to this thesis, the achievement of the high competitiveness has a paramount importance and becomes a decisive factor in the service sector commercial success provided that the proper quality of services. It was considered the quality of products and services production concepts changes and quality management over a long historical period from the total quality management to the enterprise level management. It is shown that historical trends have led to the emergence of first theoretical research, and then to the practical implementation of the creating quality management systems idea. It’s broken down about those that, in order to preserve the high quality of the product, and the services, it’s necessary to read the control system for the quality, as it would win the scientific and technical achievements, stimulate the good practice of all efforts. It is indicated that the creation of new dimensions of quality is stimulated by the modern high pace of life, the steady growth of production of products and services, the need for a constant search for new, more effective, concepts, methods and tools for organizing quality systems and managing them that meet the requirements of today. Organizational and methodological, practical and conceptual ambushes have been established, which, in essence, allow the virtual science problem of formulating effective management systems in the field of services. The article also investigates the issues of the formation of qualitymanagement systems at the enterprises of the service sector through the prism of modern directions of standardization and certification, the experience of standardization in general and, in particular, in the EU countries and in Ukraine. The reasons and purposes of creating standards are investigated. In the services quality management, the direct objects of management are the processesthat determine the quality of each service. The development of management decisions regarding the determination of indicators that determine the provision of a quality product is considered as an important component of the quality management program in service enterprises. The concept of qualitymanagement at service enterprises is analyzed, presented in the ISO 9000 series: «quality assurance», «quality management», «quality improvement». The coordination of the management function with the general tasks of quality management in the service sector has been determined. It is emphasized that it is extremely necessary to study and develop new international standards, which would take into account the modern scientific and technical level, world practical experience, and outlined ways to eliminate technical barriers in cooperation between different countries and to ensure the multiplier effect of economic development, the inclusion of national actors in international production chains.


  • The article examines the scientific issues of quality improvement through further the quality management systems improvement that are formed at the service sector enterprises in Ukraine

  • The achievement of the high competitiveness has a paramount importance and becomes a decisive factor in the service sector commercial success provided that the proper quality of services

  • It is shown that historical trends have led to the emergence of first theoretical research, and to the practical implementation of the creating quality management systems idea

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У статті досліджується наукова проблематика поліпшення якості через подальше вдосконалення систем управління якістю, що формуються на підприємствах сфери послуг в Україні. Відповідно до цієї тези досягнення високої конкурентоспроможності має першочергове значення та стає вирішальним фактором комерційного успіху підприємства сфери послуг за умов забезпечення належної якості послуг. Розглянуто зміну концепцій виміру якості виробництва продукції і послуг і управління якістю протягом тривалого історичного періоду від тотального менеджменту якості до управління нею на рівні підприємства. У статті розглянуто питання формування системи управління якістю на підприємствах сфери послуг через призму сучасних напрямів стандартизації і сертифікації, досвід процесів стандартизації загалом і організації систем управління якістю, зокрема в країнах ЄС і в Україні. Проаналізовано поняття управління якістю підприємств сфери послуг відповідно до стандарту ISO серії 9000. Ключові слова: стандарт, ISO 9000, якість, сфера послуг, система управління якістю, процесний підхід, управління підприємством

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