
作为战败后崛起的国家,日本对国家发展道路的选择深受国际格局的影响。冷战时期的两极格局使日本在美国的支持下重新获得主权国家的身份。在冷战格局的框架下,日本在经济大国基础上提出了谋求政治大国的目标。冷战结束后,世界格局向多极化转变,日本将其视为实现政治大国的“机运”,期望更多地参与国际事务以及在国际秩序和经济体制方面发挥责任和作用;同时,日本在军事力量上也积极突破,为其践行政治大国化目标助力。21世纪后,多极化格局深化,新兴国家群体性崛起,日本谋求政治大国的进程加速,增强自身在区域经济中的领导力和影响力,谋求修改和平宪法,突破战后军事限制,在反恐等国际事务及联合国等国际组织活跃,推动政治大国化目标的实现。当前,日本政治大国的追求仍面临着不少障碍。 The boom of post-war Japan is deeply affected by the international framework when choosing the development path of the state. The bipolar architecture of the Cold War has made Japan a sovereign state again with the support of the United States. Within the Cold War framework, Japan has come up with the goal of being a political power based on its economic strength. After the end of Cold War, multipolar architecture has become the main trend in the world, and Japan has regarded this trend as its opportunity to realize its political dream, expecting to be more involved in world affairs as well as taking responsibilities within the international order and economic system. Meanwhile, Japan has also made a breakthrough within military power and used this to become a political power. Entering the 21st century, the multipolar architecture has deepened, while emerging nations have risen sharply collectively. Japan has speeded up the process of pursuing a political path accordingly, enhancing its leadership and influence in the regional economy, revising peace constitution to breakthrough military shackles, playing a role in counter-terrorism affairs and international organizations, thus making its dream of being a political power come true. Nevertheless, Japan has faced obstacles both at home and abroad.

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