
The chromosome numbers and karyotypes of Pollia japonica Thumb. and Aneilema Keisak Hassk. were examined, and determined to be 2n=32 and 2n=40 respectively. These somatic numbers (2n) differed from those reported formerly by others. But on the basis of available data, it is difficult to explain the reason for the presence of numerical differences in chromosomes of the same species.The karyotypes of these species were as follows:The karyotype of P. japonica was showed to be K=2n=32=4Am+4Bsm+4Cm+4Dm+4Esm+4Fsm+4Gst+4Hm; eight pairs of chromosomes with median primary constriction, six pairs with submedian and two pairs with subterminal. Each pair was no satellite, but two pairs of nucleolar chromosomes were observed.The karyotype of A. Keisak was showed to be K=2n=40=4Asm1+2csAsm2+4Ast3+6Bsm1+2Bst2+2Csm1+6Cm2+10Dsm1+2tDm2+2Dm3; five pairs of chromosomes with median primary constriction, twelve pairs with submedian three pairs with subterminal. One of five pairs of chromosomes with median primary constriction was the satellite chromosomes and one of twelve pairs with submedian was with secondary constriction in their long arms.

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