
1. The karyotypes of four diploid species, Ch. lineare, Ch. vulgare, Ch. rupestre, and Ch. nipponicum, were found to differ from each other in chromosome size, in the position of centromeres and in the number of satellite chromosomes.2. Ch. lineare had the longest chromosomes, followed by Ch. vulgare, Ch. nipponicum and Ch. rupestre.3. The chromosome complement of Ch. lineare was without chromosomes with subterminal centromeres, while the chromosome complements of Ch. vulgare, Ch. rupestre and Ch. nipponicum had two pairs of chromosomes with subterminal centromeres.4. Ch. lineare and Ch. vulgare had three pairs of satellite chromosomes, Ch. rupestre had two pair of satellite chromosomes, and Ch. nipponicum had only one pair of satellite chromosomes.5. The satellite chromosomes of the four species were found to be a nucleolar chromosome.6. Species with shorter chromosomes had fewer satellite chromosomes than those with longer chromosomes. The former were presumed to be the advanced species and the latter the primitive species. Ch. lineare is presumed to be the most primitive among the four species.

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