
Technical Mechanics being a complex of fundamental general technical disciplines is the theoretical and scientific basis for the study and development of modern engineering. Using its laws and principles buildings, constructions, machines and equipment can be developed and researched. However, Technical Mechanics is the most difficult discipline to learn. The main difficulties of this course are based not only on the application of the principles of theoretical mechanics to complex mechanisms of different types but also the course stands out with its specific and particular features and also based on previously unknown terminology for students as well as is an introduction to the Mechanics of Machines in general. Difficulties in the acquisition of learning content are also caused by time constraints devoted to the study of this subject in higher technical educational institutions. Consequently, teaching Mechanical Engineering in today's context requires a widespread involvement of computer technologies into educational processes that meets the requirements of intensification of students’ individual study and diversifies forms and means of learning, motivates students and optimizes their learning process. The problem of the research is to identify the possibilities of intensifying the process of teaching Technical Mechanics which is a fundamental discipline for other special courses in Technical Institutes using computer training software GIM. The article justifies the feasibility of using GIM software during Technical Mechanics course by students of engineering and technical higher education institutions. GIM software is used during practical classes to support and supplement theoretical lectures; GIM functions as an educational supplementary tool to enhance students' knowledge. Training of first and second year students of general engineering disciplines based on GIM computer training program enhances the professional culture of the future specialist, stimulating his need for continuous self-improvement. New educational technologies are an effective method of teaching students and help better understanding of the subject, promotion and spreading of scientific knowledge


  • Technical Mechanics being a complex of fundamental general technical disciplines is the theoretical

  • well as is an introduction to the Mechanics of Machines in general. Difficulties in the acquisition of learning content are also caused by time constraints devoted to the study

  • teaching Mechanical Engineering in today's context requires a widespread involvement of computer technologies into educational processes that meets the requirements of intensification of students' individual study and diversifies forms

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Проблема дослідження полягає у виявленні можливостей інтенсифікації процесу навчання технічної механіки, яка є основоположною дисципліною для інших спеціальних дисциплін в технічному ВЗО, за допомогою використання навчальної комп'ютерної програми GIM. В тексті статті наводиться обґрунтування доцільності використання програми GIM під час вивченні дисципліни технічна механіка студентами інженерно-технічних вищих закладів освіти. Проблема дослідження полягає у виявленні можливостей інтенсифікації процесу навчання технічної механіки, яка є основоположною дисципліною для інших спеціальних дисциплін в технічному ВЗО, за допомогою використання навчальної комп'ютерної програми GIM з метою підвищення якості знань і формування умінь і навичок у здобувачів вищої освіти, необхідних в майбутній як навчальній, так і професійній діяльності.

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