
Wild representatives of the genera Sinapis L. (mustard) and Eruca Mill. (eruca, indau, rucola) belong to the crop wild relatives (CWR) and may be of interest for the inclusion in breeding. In order to identify regularities and ecological and geographical features of distribution, dot maps of distribution in the territory of Russia and neighboring states were plotted for two species of mustard and for Eruca sativa. The maps provide information about the localities of the species according to the data from herbariums and published literary sources. Eruca sativa Mill. (eruca) is a Mediterranean species, the only representative of the genus in Russia and neighboring countries, which grows in the mountainous regions of Central Asia, in the Caucasus foothills, and in the steppe part of the Crimea. In the rest of the territory, the species is represented by accidentally introduced single plants. Sinapis alba L. (white mustard) is a Mediterranean species with the European type of range; it is found as a weed throughout Russia and neighboring countries, but rarely. In the northern regions and in the Asian part of Russia, it occurs as single invasive plants. Most of the known localities of S. dissecta Lag. (Bonnier) in the considered territory is confined to the fields in steppe phytocenoses. The obtained data can be used by botanists who study the taxonomic diversity and ecological and geographical features of plants, as well as by resource scientists for identifying and involving valuable genotypes of cultivated species from the Brassicaceae family into cultivation.

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