
In this article, an inventory of the spider fauna of the Fastov district of the Kiev region was carried out, an annotated list of spiders was compiled and includes 84 spider species of 67 genera from 20 families. The annotated list contains faunistic material, collection method and biotopic preferences of species. The most represented by the number of species in the fauna are the families Araneidae – 19 species (24 %), Thomisidae – 8 species (9 %) and Salticidae – 8 species (9 %). The dominance of species of the family Araneidae is due to the large proportion of the surveyed habitats and vegetation layers inhabited by orb weaving spiders. In general, widespread species of spiders with high ecological plasticity were prevail. Including 10 species: Clubiona caerulescens, Harpactea rubicunda, Haplodrassus silvestris, Zelotes electus, Diplostyla concolor, Tenuiphantes flavipes, Agroeca brunnea, Pardosa amentata, Pseudeuophrys erratica and Ozyptila praticola were recorded in the litter layer of a pine forest only. Three species: Cyclosa oculata, Oxyopes ramosus and Dolomedes plantarius are rare according to the literature data. Five species were found in near-water habitats: Larinioides cornutus, Clubiona phragmitis, D. plantarius, Tetragnatha extensa, and Marpissa radiata, and were not found in the other biotopes. Two species, Metellina segmentata and Tetragnatha montana, are found on near-water vegetation and forest edges. In buildings and in household plots, two synanthropic species were found – Tegenaria domestica and Parasteatoda tepidariorum. The zoogeographic and taxonomic compositions of the araneofauna of the region under study are presented. Arealogically, the basis is made up of the Palaearctic (35 %) and Holarctic (19 %) groups. West-Central-Palaearctic species – 14 %, European-Ancient Mediterranean – 12 %. European and more northern European-Siberian species account for 8 and 5 %, respectively. In comparison with the data for Polesie, the araneofauna of the Fastov region has certain characteristics, namely: a large participation in the composition of the araneofauna of Palaearctic and Holarctic species, a decrease in the proportion of EuropeanSiberian species and an increase in the proportion of European-Ancient Mediterranean groups of species.


  • In the soils of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine we found 12 morphotypes of naked amoebae: eruptive (Vahlkampfa sp. (1), Vahlkampfa sp. (2), Willaertia sp.), politactic (Polychaos dubium Schaeffer, 1917, Deuteramoeba mycophaga Page, 1988), monotactic (Saccamoeba stagnicola Page, 1974, Hartmannella vermiformis Page, 1967, Cashia limacoides Page, 1974), lens-like (Cochliopodium sp. (1)), striate (Thecamoeba striata Penard, 1890, Thecamoeba similis Lepsi, 1960), rugose (Thecamoeba terricola (Greef, 1866) Lepsi, 1960), fan-shaped (Vannella sp., Ripella platypodia Smirnov, Nassonova, Chao et Cavalier-Smith, 2007), mayorellian (Mayorella viridis Leidy, 1874, Mayorella cantabrigiensis Page, 1983, Mayorella sp.), dactylopodial (Korotnevella sp. (1), Vexillifera sp.), acanthopodial (Acanthamoeba sp. (1)), branched (Rhizamoeba sp. (1)), lingualate (Stenamoeba stenopodia Page, 1969)

  • In the soils of meadows, there are no amoeba of polytactic and rugose morphotypes, in soils under shrubs – rugose and branched morphotypes

  • The composition of morphotypes of naked amoebas in the soils of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine is divided into two complexes: the first complex includes amoebae from the soils of forests and shrubs, the second – from the soils of meadows

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In the soils of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine we found 12 morphotypes of naked amoebae: eruptive (Vahlkampfa sp. (1), Vahlkampfa sp. (2), Willaertia sp.), politactic (Polychaos dubium Schaeffer, 1917, Deuteramoeba mycophaga Page, 1988), monotactic (Saccamoeba stagnicola Page, 1974, Hartmannella vermiformis Page, 1967, Cashia limacoides Page, 1974), lens-like (Cochliopodium sp. (1)), striate (Thecamoeba striata Penard, 1890, Thecamoeba similis Lepsi, 1960), rugose (Thecamoeba terricola (Greef, 1866) Lepsi, 1960), fan-shaped (Vannella sp., Ripella platypodia Smirnov, Nassonova, Chao et Cavalier-Smith, 2007), mayorellian (Mayorella viridis Leidy, 1874, Mayorella cantabrigiensis Page, 1983, Mayorella sp.), dactylopodial (Korotnevella sp. (1), Vexillifera sp.), acanthopodial (Acanthamoeba sp. (1)), branched (Rhizamoeba sp. (1)), lingualate (Stenamoeba stenopodia Page, 1969). In the soils of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine we found 12 morphotypes of naked amoebae: eruptive The composition of morphotypes of naked amoebas in the soils of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine is divided into two complexes: the first complex includes amoebae from the soils of forests and shrubs, the second – from the soils of meadows. Та складено анотований список павуків, що нараховує 84 види із 67 родів та 20 родин.

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