
The purpose of the research is to investigate the quality of inter-row tillage with a rotary harrow depending on the speed regimes in conditions of high soil hardness.Research methods: theoretical - analysis of information resources and research results of rotary harrows; experimental field - testing of the machine in the economic conditions of LLC "Nosivka Agro", village Ploske Nosiv district of Chernihiv region with the fixation of agronomic indicators; instrumental measurements and expert evaluation; statistical - mathematical processing of the obtained indicators.Results.Experimental field studies of the influence of the speed modes of the rotary harrow BZR-9.0 on the efficiency of inter-row cultivation have been carried out.The nomenclature of quality criteria and their achieved level have been established by expert evaluation.It has been analytically established that the rotary harrow mulches the topsoil well, destroys the soil crust, loosens the soil and destroys filamentous weeds, thus creating ideal conditions for the initial development of the plant root system and providing a strong start to their growth. Conclusions. Rotary harrows, widely available on the Ukrainian market, are increasingly in demand as an effective tool for weed control and soil crust destruction in order to improve aeration and water saturation of crops in conditions of increased soil dryness. Theoretical analysis of information sources confirms that needle harrows can be successfully used for continuous and inter-row cultivation of crops in small and medium-sized farms. The physical parameters obtained as a result of experimental researches testify that with change of speed from 9 km / h to 15 km / h the harrow tooth rotary BZR-9,0 in interrow spacing with a protective zone of 11 cm provides qualitative cultivation of soil with a sufficient level of agrotechnical indicators - degree of destruction. soil crust in the range of 91-98 %, and the percentage of damaged plants is at the level of excellent and satisfactory values. There are no undamaged areas of crust with an area of more than 5 cm2, which significantly impede water and air permeability.


  • The purpose of the research is to investigate the quality of inter-row tillage with a rotary harrow depending on the speed regimes

  • their achieved level have been established by expert evaluation

  • Theoretical analysis of information sources confirms that needle harrows can be successfully used for continuous

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Анотація Мета досліджень – дослідити якість виконання міжрядного обробітку ротаційною бороною залежно від швидкісних режимів в умовах підвищеної твердості ґрунту. Äëÿ ïîð3âíÿííÿ, ïðè ì3æðÿäíîìó îáðîá3òêó ïîñ3â3â êóêóðóäçè áîðîíîþ ÁÇÑÑ-1 ïîøêîäæåííÿ êóëüòóðíèõ ðîñëèí ñòàíîâèëî 10-15 %, áîðîíîþ-ìîòèêîþ ðîòàö3éíîþ ÁÌÐ-5,6 – ëèøå 0,8 %. Íà ïîñ3âàõ ñîíÿøíèêó ïðîâîäèëîñü áîðîíóâàííÿ ïî ñõîäàõ (äâà íåñïðàâæí3õ ëèñòêè) 3 ó ôàç ëèñòê3â åôåêò áóâ àíàëîã3÷íèé ì3æðÿäíîìó îáðîá3òêó ñõîä3â êóêóðóäçè. Íàÿâí3 ́ðóíòîîáðîáí çíàðÿääÿ (çóáîâ òà ïðóæèíí áîðîíè) íåäîñòàòíüî çàáåçïå÷óþòü ÿê3ñíå âèêîíàííÿ òåõíîëîã3÷íîãî ïðîöåñó ï3ñëÿñõîäîâîãî áîðîíóâàííÿ â ñêëàäíèõðóíòîâèõ óìîâàõ. Áîðîíóâàííÿì ìîæëèâî ñòâîðèòè îïòèìàëüí óìîâè äëÿ ðîçâèòêó êîðåíåâî¿ ñèñòåìè íà ðàíí3õ åòàïàõ ðîñòó 3 ðîçâèòêó ñ3ëüñüêîãîñïîäàðñüêèõ êóëüòóð: íàäàòè âåðõí3é ÷àñòèí îðíîãî øàðóðóíòó ïîòð3áíî¿ ñòðóêòóðè, àêòèâ3çóâàòè â íüîìó á3îëîã3÷í3 òà õ3ì3÷í3 ïðîöåñè, âèð3âíÿòè ïîâåðõíþ ïîëÿ, çðóéíóâàòèðóíòîâó ê3ðêó, çíèùèòè ñõîäè 3 ïðîðîñòêè áóð’ÿí3â áåç ïîøêîäæåííÿ êóëüòóðíèõ ðîñëèí, à òàêîæ ïðîâåñòè ðåãóëþâàííÿ âîäíîãî, ïîâ3òðÿíîãî 3 õàð÷îâîãî ðåæèì3âðóíòó ðîçóù3ëüíåííÿì âåðõíüî¿ ÷àñòèíè àêòèâíîãî êîðåíåâîãî øàðó 3 óñóíåííÿì òð3ùèí. Ï3ñëÿ âèêîíàííÿ òåõíîëîã3÷íîãî ïðîöåñó íà òðüîõ øâèäê3ñíèõ ðåæèìàõ, ïðîâîäèëè îáë3ê ç âèçíà÷åííÿ ïîøêîäæåíü êóëüòóðíèõ ðîñëèí, íàíåñåíèõ ðîáî÷èìè îðãàíàìè ðîòàö3éíî¿ áîðîíè. Ïîïèò íà ðîòàö3éí áîðîíè â Óêðà¿í3 ç êîæíèì ðîêîì çðîñòào, ùî ïîâ’ÿçàíî ç ïîøóêîì àëüòåðíàòèâè õ3ì3÷íèì ìåòîäàì

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