
356 Reviews Cristophis Economides. Χϕιστοφής Οικονομίδης, ΑπομυθοποιημÎ-νη ιστοϕία του κυπϕιακοϕ στα τελευταία 50 χϕόνια. Nicosia: Economides Publishing House. 1993. Pp. 569. Vamik Volkan and Norman Itzkowitz, Turks and Greeks: Neighbors in Conflict Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, England: The Eothen Press. 1994. Pp. 233. $25.50 (paperback). Andreas Theofanous. ΑνδϕÎ-ας Θεοφάνους, Oi οικονομικÎ-Ï‚ πτυχÎ-Ï‚ και επιπτώσειςμιαςομοσπονδιακήςλϕσηςτουκυπϕιακοϕπϕοβλήματος. Nicosia: Intercollege Press. 1994. Pp. 235. Kypros Chrysostomides. Κϕπϕος Χϕυσοστομίδης, To κϕάτος της Κϕπϕου στο διεθνÎ-Ï‚ δίκαιο. Athens: Sakkoulas. 1994. Pp. 500. The solution to the Cyprus problem remains elusive. Despite the end of the cold war, Cyprus remains the last divided country of Europe. Diplomats, political analysts, academics, and others have written about feasible and desirable solutions. The four recent books reviewed in this essay incorporate the perspectives of a historian, a psychiatrist, two economists, and an attorney. The continuing deadlock in Cyprus is the dominant theme of these books, even though there is no consensus among the authors as to how to resolve the dispute. The book by Economides, an economist by training, provides a brief summary of the evolution of the Cyprus problem over the last century. A large part of the book consists of his earlier analyses that have appeared in various Cypriot newspapers. The book also includes various documents most of which have been available elsewhere, as well as the author's correspondence with various political figures. Economides is critical of the handling of the Cyprus issue by the various governments of Cyprus since independence. Thus, he wants to "de-mythologize" the Cyprus issue, to address "real events" and "bitter truths." The prospects for a solution are not good because of Turkey's growing intransigence and its de facto integration of the occupied areas into Turkey. Economides also blames the Greek Cypriots for not responding positively to U.N. Secretary-General's Boutros Boutros-Ghali's 1992 "set of ideas," and for the belief among some circles that the present situation may not be that undesirable . He is also critical of the Greek Cypriot hardliners and military leaders who believe that the free areas can be protected by more military spending and greater military cooperation with Greece. He recommends that the present Cypriot leadership take advantage of the recent interest shown in die Cyprus problem by the U.N. Secretary-General, the U.N. Security Council, the United States, and the European Union. He urges serious consideration of the so-called "confidence building measures" and of the Secretary-General's 1992 "set of ideas." Economides finds that the defeat of the "rejectionist" bloc in the last Cypriot presidential election strengthens the ability of the present leadership to pursue negotiations and to make the needed compromises in order to reach a solution, as was done in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The author believes that a solution now will avoid die risk of future conflict and of greater losses to Turkey. It will also provide the Greek Cypriots Reviews 357 witii the opportunity to expand their influence over all of the island through peaceful competition. I do not question the inherent risks in the continuing deadlock in Cyprus. However, many of the author's recommendations are wishful uiinking in view of Turkey's unilateral actions in Cyprus since 1974, Turkey's rejection of any Greek-Cypriot presence in the occupied areas, and the partitionist effect of the constitutional proposals that have been supported by Turkey, the United Nations, and the United States. These proposals, if implemented, would formally divide Cyprus, limit the "three freedoms" (of movement, settlement, and property ownership) of die Greek Cypriots, and bring de facto recognition of the secessionist regime maintained by the Turkish army in the occupied areas. Implementation of the auuior's suggestions may be more harmful to die survival of Cyprus as an independent state than is the present deadlock. Economides fails to show how he would change the fundamental premises of die Turkish, American, and United Nations policies that have brought about the present deadlock. The deadlock is certainly not due to an absence of concessions by the Greek Cypriot side. The book does not break any new ground in die study of the Cyprus problem. It only promotes the auüior's claim that, in contrast to everyone else, he has always known "the Truth." Turks and Greeks: Neighbors in Conflict is written by a pair known to those...

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