
The USA’s policy in reference to Taiwan in the 50s of the XIX century has been studied in the article. Assisted by the published sources, the auther shows a process of investigation of the island by Commodore M. Perry’s expedition to Japan in 1852 – 1854 and has come to the conclusion that the Americans aimed for the economic exploration and the political domination of Formosa. The ending of the first Opium War (1839 – 1842) and signing of the treaty of Nanking between Qing Empire and Great Britain allowed Great Britain to make decisive steps on the way towards its expansion in the Far East. In the first instance for the British trade five Chinese cities were opened. Also, according to the treaty, the island of Hong Kong passed under Great Britain’s authority which strengthened the position of the state in the Far East.Comprehending all the preferences, which the competition was to get, the Establishment of the United States under President John Tyler (1841 – 1845) endeavoured to obtain the identical conditions for commercial facilities in China. With this end in view, the USA’s diplomatic mission was headed by Caleb Cushing (1800 – 1879) to Beijing in 1844. The treaty was signed in Vence on July, 3rd, 1844, after which the United States won the benefits from China which were similar to those of the British.In the 50s of the ХІХ century Washington stood for the fastest hold of the island in the Chinese seas. And Taiwan was one of the main objects of the USA foreign policy during this period. Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry (1794 – 1858) was the first American politician who appeared consistent for joining of the island. «Opening» of Japan in 1854 wasn’t a single purpose of Perry’s mission. Not the least important a task set to the Commodore by the American government was the investigation and potential acquisition of the islands in the China Sea. That’s why Perry carefully studied all information about the region before the expedition and included the islands of Taiwan, Ryukyu, Bonin and Okinawa in the way of his expedition. Having no capability to explore each island which met on his way, Commodore decided to send two ships – “Macedonian” and “Supply” – to the shores of Taiwan in the end of May 1854 under the command of his assistant J. Abbott. The purpose of that visit to the island was the investigating into the fate of the Americans trapped in Formosa or the Japanese islands. Besides, captain J. Abbot explored coal mines of Formosa and the ways of organizing of coal supply, coal production volume and the cost of manufacture and loading. After Perry’s expedition in the 50s of the ХІХ century in the American Establishment a permanently fixed opinion about Taiwan’s capture predominated. It should have strengthened the USA political and economic interests in the Pacific.Accorgingly, the issue of Formosa’s joining the USA was a key one after the end of the Second «opium war» between China and Britain in 1856 – 1860. This aspect will be discussed in the oncoming research articles.

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