
The purpose of the article is to show, on the basis of archival documents, the main directions of the educational process in the Kamianets-Podilskyi Pedagogical Institute, in particular the success of students, the state of educational and methodological work and labor discipline, the organization of independent work, practices, and state exams. Th e methodologi- cal basis of the research is the principles of historicism, systematicity and comprehensiveness, and problem-chronological and diachronic methods. Th e scientifi c novelty of the publication lies in the fact that, for the fi rst time, the educational activities of this institution of higher educa- tion have been analyzed based on archival materials of the foundation of the party organization of the Kamianets-Podilskyi Pedagogical Institute. Conclusions. One of the priorities in the ac- tivities of the party organization was the optimal arrangement of the educational process, which was far from easy since when organizing the educational process, the university management had to take into account directives, decisions of party congresses, and plenums and, accordingly, could not go beyond the offi cially announced party course on construction of communism. In addition, corrections had to be made, considering that students were mobilized for harvesting in the region’s collective farms and state farms in the fi rst months of the academic year. Work was carried out to improve teaching methods, in particular, the institute introduced programmed learning, practiced mutual visits, discussions at meetings of departments of open classes, etc. Measures were taken to bring the activity of scientifi c and pedagogical workers closer to the practice of school work and to improve the professional training of students; various types of visualization and technical teaching tools began to be used more intensively, more attention was paid to the organization of independent work and pedagogical practice of students, which demonstrated that they had good theoretical training, necessary skills, and abilities to organize educational work at school.

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