
The publication covers the international research and practice conference, which was held online on the 17th of November of 2020 with the participation of employees of the Institute of Post-Soviet and Interregional Studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities, as well as representatives of the scientific community of the CIS. The conference was dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the Commonwealth of Independent States (8 December 1991). The participants discussed the most relevant issues of humanitarian cooperation in the Eurasian space, including interuniversity partnership, interaction of leading research centers in the Commonwealth countries, the preparation of joint educational and methodological guides and programmes and other projects that would facilitate the formation of the unified Eurasian information space and speed up the processes of social and cultural (humanitarian, broadly speaking) integration. Issues related to studies of Russian language in post-Soviet states, as well as to preserving the national traditions and international representation thereof, were discussed in close conjunction with the issues of humanitarian integration. Special attention was paid to subjects concerned with preserving the memory of the Great Patriotic War, including cooperation between search teams and arranging international search and commemorative projects on the territory of post-Soviet states. The conference participants also raised issues related to security in the post-Soviet states as well as to joint solutions to such acute challenges for the Commonwealth as illegal migration and drug trafficking.

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