
The issues of the articles published on the pages of the scientific-historical periodical "New and Contemporary History" (1985−1991, so-called Perestroika epoch) has been analysed. The complex of publications devoted to various problems of the Latin America modernity and contemporary history is identified. The author offers his classification of the identified publications by genre. It is found out that the articles and monograph reviews were the most popular genres. It was found that the overwhelming majority of the authors belonged to Moscow group, while there is absence of works prepared by the scientists who came from other Soviet republics (at least in the field of Latin America research). The conclusion about the dominance of Moscow scholarly centres in the Latin America`s history studying is made. It is shown that a tangible ideology and propaganda component in the research problems and the plots were important during Perestroika period and this approach was mostly kept until the end of the Soviet Union existence. The problems studied by the authors were as follows: national liberation struggle of the local population against Spanish colonial rule; the trade union movement and opposition to American imperialism development; historical personalities who represented the national liberation movements; political and social revolutions. An analysis of publications on the Latin America history shows that the Soviet historians did not have clear preferences regarding definite countries of the continent under study. All the Latin America countries were paid the focus of attention by the Soviet researchers. The state of Latin American studies on the pages of "New and Contemporary History" shows unsatisfactory level of this research field elaboration that is especially obvious in comparison with European and American studies.The forming of the Soviet historiography heritage in Latin American studies is of great importance for further perspectives of the Ukrainian Latin American studies development. It makes sense to assert that a careful consideration of the Soviet historiography heritage on the subject is important for the contemporary Ukrainian historiography.


  • Проанализированы выпуски научно-исторического периодического издания «Новая и новейшая история» за период 1985-1991 гг. и выявлен комплекс публикаций, посвященных различ­ ным проблемам истории стран Латинской Америки нового и новейшего времени

  • Проаншпзовано випуски науково-юторичного перюдичного видання «Новая и новейшая история» за перюд 1985-1991 рр. 1 виявлено комплекс публшащй, що присвячеш р1зним проблемам юторп краш Латинсько! Америки нового та новггнього часу

  • 1о НЬегаЛе СиЬа & от 8рашзЬ йотлпайоп апй Йле “Огеа!

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Проанализированы выпуски научно-исторического периодического издания «Новая и новейшая история» за период 1985-1991 гг. (перестройки) и выявлен комплекс публикаций, посвященных различ­ ным проблемам истории стран Латинской Америки нового и новейшего времени. Встановлено, що бшышсть автор1в проанал1зованих публпсацш становили московсью дослщники, у той час як пращ науковщв радянських республпс в галуз1 дослщження Латинсько!' Америки у виданш представлеш не були. У. Ьайп Атепсап Шетез оп (Ье радез ой(Ье )оигпа1 апй СоШетрогагу Шзеогу” (1985-1991). ТЬе сотр1ех о!-риЪИсайопз йеусЛей 1о уапоиз ргоЫетз ой 1Ье Ьайп А теп са тойетЬу апй соп1етрогагу Ыз1огу 18 Ыепййей. ТЬе з!а1е ой Ьайп А тепсап зйкйез оп 1Ъе радез ой “Ые\у апй Соп1етрогагу

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