
The purpose of the article is to analyze the choreography of Mykola Trehubov at the Odessa Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Methodology. The historical, historiographic and analytical approaches are applied. Scientific novelty. The article is the first to analyze in detail the choreographies of M. Trehubov at the Odessa Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in 1958–1970. Conclusions. The period of the chief choreographer M. Trehubov’s work at the Odessa Opera is characterized by a significant increase in ballet performances in the theater playbill, but they were not always of equal quality. Trehubov was not stopped by the modest possibilities of the troupe, he was not afraid to take on works that had already been staged by the leading choreographers of the Soviet Union. Performances such as Per Gunt by E. Grieg, The Great Waltz by J. Strauss, Spartak by A. Khachaturian, Othello by A. Machavariani enriched the repertoire of the Odessa Theater. Among many topics that worried the choreographer, there was a contemporary one. The choreographer used the musical works of Soviet composers in the productions of the ballets The Blue Ribbon, The Triumph of Love, The Coast of Hope, and The Song of the Blue Sea. The master’s performances were exciting and memorable, long held in the repertoire of the theater. Theatrical observers spoke and argued about them. In total, on the stage of the Odessa Opera and Ballet Theater, according to our calculations, M. Trehubov staged 21 ballets, as well as various dances in operas. The period of M. Trehubov’s choreography was a difficult time for the restoration of the theater (1965–1967), which the choreographer used to improve the professional level of the ballet troupe and update the repertoire. The leading dancers I. Mikhailichenko, E. Karavaeva, V. Kaverzin, S. Walter, who later became national and honored artists of the Ukrainian SSR, were among the pupils of M. Trehubov.


  • Tetiana Churpita, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Цель статьи – проанализировать балетмейстерскую деятельность Николая Трегубова в Одесском академическом театре оперы и балета

  • The purpose of the article is to analyze the choreography of Mykola Trehubov at the Odessa Academic Opera and Ballet Theater

  • Trehubov was not stopped by the modest possibilities of the troupe, he was not afraid to take on works that had already been staged by the leading choreographers of the Soviet Union

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Tetiana Churpita, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Цель статьи – проанализировать балетмейстерскую деятельность Николая Трегубова в Одесском академическом театре оперы и балета. The purpose of the article is to analyze the choreography of Mykola Trehubov at the Odessa Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Trehubov at the Odessa Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in 1958–1970. За цей період він поставив 21 балет, а також долучився до створення танцювальних номерів в оперних виставах. Мета дослідження – проаналізувати балетмейстерську діяльність Миколи Трегубова в Одеському академічному театрі опери та балету.

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