
The article deals with the problem of increasing the regions’ role in international and foreign economic cooperation of the Soviet Union in 1955–65. The aim of the research is to study the dynamics of the visits of foreign countries’ leaders to Sverdlovsk Oblast, which was traditionally considered as “closed.” Based on the results of the study, the stages of diplomatic activity in the region are identified. It was found that 1955–59 and 1963–65, when 18 visits of leaders of capitalist, socialist and developing countries to Sverdlovsk Oblast were organized and held, were the most eventful periods in this regard. The programs of the visits to the territory of the oblast were analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis, the average length of stay in Sverdlovsk Oblast, the preferred period for a trip to the Middle Urals, and general principles and features of organizing the reception of eminent guests in Sverdlovsk Oblast were determined. It was revealed that the Sverdlovsk Oblast Committee of the CPSU approved a list of 64 institutions which were recommended for foreign delegations to visit. The article highlights the key objects and facilities that were shown to foreign guests. It was found that the main point of the program of almost all delegations was a visit to Uralmash. Foreign guests also visited other industrial enterprises, including those which were located within the 40–50 km radius of the administrative center of the region, the city of Sverdlovsk. The article reveals the importance of the role assigned to the cultural program (visiting the Geological Museum and theaters). Sojourn in Sverdlovsk Oblast allowed eminent guests to see the potential of one of the country’s industrial centers in person and facilitated placing orders in the oblast for the needs of the economy of foreign countries. In addition, an ideological task was solved: the peaceful stance of the Soviet Union which possessed powerful defense potential was demonstrated to the guests. The author concludes that the involvement of the USSR’s regions in the processes of international cooperation was effective. At the same time, the adjustment of the country’s foreign policy in the mid-1960s was marked by a trend towards a decrease in the number of trips of foreign countries’ top officials to the regions of the USSR, including Sverdlovsk Oblast, within the framework of official and working visits.


  • Sverdlovsk Oblast with its defense-industrial sector, nuclear facilities, and design offices which carry out orders from the Ministry of Defense has traditionally been considered as one of the most “closed” regions of the Soviet Union

  • The early post-war years were marked by another feature: the work of numerous German prisoners of war significantly changed the appearance of many cities of Sverdlovsk Oblast, bringing elements of a different culture into the life of its inhabitants

  • Changes in the political map of the world, change of the USSR’s leadership, as well as advance in the socio-economic development of the Soviet state in the first half of the 1950s laid the foundation for a new foreign-policy course of the Soviet Union, focused on the development of international cooperation

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21 История

60 лет назад Свердловск посетил Джавахарлал Неру // Официальный портал Екатеринбурга. – 2015. – 12 апреля. – URL: http://www.ekburg.ru/news/2/54249–istoriya–60– let–nazad–sverdlovsk–posetil–dzhavakharlal–neru (дата обращения: 14.06.2016); История: 55 лет назад Свердловск посетил вице-президент США Ричард Никсон // Официальный отсканированные фотографии руководителей иностранных государств, сделанные во время их визитов в Свердловск. – URL: http://www.ekburg.ru/news/2/54249–istoriya–60– let–nazad–sverdlovsk–posetil–dzhavakharlal–neru (дата обращения: 14.06.2016); История: 55 лет назад Свердловск посетил вице-президент США Ричард Никсон // Официальный отсканированные фотографии руководителей иностранных государств, сделанные во время их визитов в Свердловск. В их числе были три представителя капиталистических стран – президент Финляндии, премьер– министр Дании и вице–президент США, четыре руководителя развивающихся стран (Индии, Индонезии, Ирана, Эфиопии) и 11 первых лиц стран социалистического лагеря (Вьетнама, КНДР, КНР, Монголии, Чехословакии, Венгрии, ГДР, Югославии и Кубы). 28 Протокол No 101 Заседания бюро Свердловского обкома коммунистической партии Советского Союза от 20 сентября 1955 года // Центр документации общественных организаций Свердловской области (ЦДООСО). Формируемая советской стороной программа посещения Свердловской области для высоких иностранных гостей была ориентирована на установление контактов с промышленными предприятиями региона, развитие международной кооперации и экспорта продукции и услуг. –. Джавахарлал Неру и Индира Ганди в Свердловске на Уралмаше Источник: Центр документации общественных организаций Свердловской области. У жителей вашего города огромное стремление бороться за мир...»41

41 Отъезд из Свердловска Президента Финляндской Республики господина Урхо Калева
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