
This article deals with little-known events in the history of relations between Iraq and Kuwait that took place in the second half of the 1930-s. These two Arab countries located in the Persian Gulf area have much in common in their history and culture. At the same time the relations between them were not always stable and good neighborly. In their development they went through the different stages including phases of crises and armed confrontation. Today many of us still remember well the military events that occurred between these states in 1990–1991. The results of this fratricidal war eventually led to a change in the political regime in Iraq and seriously affected the development of regional relations in the Middle East. However, this war was preceded by other conflicts between countries. The earliest took place on the eve of the World War II. The conflict was associated with the aspiration of Iraqi King Ghazi and his supporters to unite Kuwait and Iraq. The article examines the reasons and grounds of the Iraqi political course that escalated the 1938–1939 crisis in Kuwait.

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