
The article examines the activities of the Kyiv Regional Inspectorate for the Protection of Cultural and Art Monuments (KRIPC) outside the Kyiv region, in particular in Shepetivka district, and the cooperation of the Inspectorate with the All-Ukrainian Archaeological Committee. The subject of this article is the study of the KRIPC activities for the preservation of cultural heritage outside the Kyiv region, specifically in Shepetivka district of the Volyn Province. In February 1926, the Presidium of “Ukrnauka” (Ukrainian Science) expanded the authority of the KRIPC and approved it for the monuments supervision in another 16 districts. The activities of the monument protective agencies was primarily aimed at saving the monuments located on the territory of Shepetivka district, which contained a large number of the architectural landmarks and art monuments of the 17th-18th centuries requiring immediate protection and restoration from ultimate destruction.In its activities, the Kyiv Regional Inspectorate for the Protection of Cultural and Art Monuments has suffered both failures and victories. For example, the efforts to turn the Bernadine Monastery in Zaslav into a cultural center have failed. Suggestion for the transfer of the klasztor building to the community of Zaslav town and the foundation of the museum of Zaslav on its territory proposed by monument protectors was not approved. Despite this failure, the monument protectors managed to save from the final destruction the castle of the former princes Ostrogskis in Starokonstantiniv and create in its place the State Historical and Cultural Reserve. Such result would not have been possible without the cooperation of monument protective agencies of all levels. Therefore, it is significant the important role of other bodies for the protection of cultural and art monuments, in particular All-Ukrainian Archaeological Committee, in the successes of the monument protectors. The activity of the Kyiv Regional Inspectorate for the Protection of Cultural and Art Monuments was the main but not the only one.

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