
The article investigates the principles of formation of teaching and research staff of the University of Jan Kazimir in Lviv in the interwar period. The organization of educational and scientific studies at Lviv University throughout its history had its own characteristics at different stages. Until 1939, the activities of the University and its structural units were determined by the educational legislation of Austria-Hungary, and later – Poland, which provided for the existence of professorial departments (the department was identified with extraordinary or ordinary professor) and associate professors. Research was provided by units of educational and scientific direction, namely – seminars, institutions and institutes, which functioned on an identical basis (supervisor and assistant research assistants). Periodically there were reorganizations of educational and scientific units from one type to another. It is proved that the complete identification of institutes (institutions) with departments, which we observe in most works on the history of Lviv University, is erroneous. The transformation of the Imperial-Royal University named after Emperor Franz I in Lviv into Jan Kazymyr University in Lviv and the Ukrainian University in Lviv with its initial stage in the form of Ukrainian university courses did not affect the principles of educational and scientific activities. However, in 1939/40 AD. The principles of formation of teaching and research and support staff of the University have changed dramatically. The transformation of the structure of Lviv University from the end of 1939 at the meso level was the unification of professorial departments and associate professors with institutes (institutions) into departments as the main educational and scientific units.

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