
The aim of the study is to determine the trends in the publicistic style of the Russian language during the October Revolution of 1917-1918. The article presents the results of the linguistic and historical understanding of the changes in the language parameters of the publicistic style in the context of the manifestation of the strongest extralinguistic factor that affected all sectors of the country’s society - a revolution aimed at changing the state system. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that by a certain sample of examples from publicistics, which were derived from such sources as the newspapers “Zemlya i Volya”, “Russkiye Vedomosti”, “Krasnaya Gazeta”, trends in the publicistic style of the Russian language are determined and described, including the verbal expression of the ideological attitudes of communicative messages senders - journalists and politicians. As a result, it has been proved that the beginning of using manipulative techniques aimed at forming in the minds of recipients those images that are beneficial to the sender of a communicative message was precisely in the era of revolutionary publicistics. Journalists writing texts for the newspapers “Zemlya i Volya” (peasant newspaper of the Socialist Revolutionary Party), “Krasnaya Gazeta” (Bolshevik newspaper), “Russkiye Vedomosti” (Kadet newspaper) used the rhetorical language means in order to ensure the most effective broadcast of ideological attitudes of the parties they represented.

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