
This work focuses on the history of cooperation between Alexei Remizov and the periodicals “Birzhevye Vedomosti” and “Ogonyok” during the period of a historical turning point. Creative strategies of the writer’s work during the beginning of the World War I, as well as his social position and artistic guidelines reflected in public speeches on the pages of the periodicals, are considered in the context of editorial policy. Remizov addressed mainly the Old Russian legends, traditions, Apocrypha, and fairy tales enabling an individual to keep moral principles, national and spiritual values. The corpus of his epistolary heritage has been found to be the documentary basis of the writer’s relationship with representatives of many editorial boards. Some of the corpus documents have been published while others are held in the archives of the Manuscript departments of the Russian National Library and Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House). The correspondence allows understanding not only the nuances of two men’s creative relationship but also the specifics of the editorial policy of the newspaper. To conclude, Propper’s print projects served a platform that offered Remizov an opportunity to respond creatively not only to the tragic events of the present but also to the key moments in the artistic life of society that affected him as a writer who reflected the era and, at the same, was reflected in it.

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