
The article highlights the educational, enlightening and scientific activity of Illia Kokorudz, a famous Ukrainian teacher, social and cultural leader, promoter and benefactor in Galicia at the end of the 19th and the first third of the 20th century. The paper analyses the stages of his formation as a scholar and educator, the development of his worldview principles and the civic position (gymnasium education, university studies, constant improvement of his professional and scientific level, active social and educational work). For a decade starting from 1896, I. Kokorudz associated himself with the Ukrainian Academic Gymnasium in Lviv. First, as a professor, and later as a director of the educational institution for 18 years (1909–1927) he revealed his talent as an outstanding teacher, educational organizer, mentor and educator of the Ukrainian youth. In this field, he supported and developed the best traditions of his predecessors, managed to lead the gymnasium through the difficult war and post-war years, gave it the weight of the important national educational institution. The author singles out the merits of I. Kokorudz to the Ukrainian Pedagogical Association “Native School”. Having taken a well-deserved rest in 1927 after 44 years of the intense teaching work he agreed to head this public organization. In 1927–1933 the activity of the “Native School” association under the leadership of I. Kokorudz reached the highest level. Despite the extremely unfavorable social and political situation for the Ukrainians, and due to the efforts of the Main Administration, the Ukrainian national education system was actively developing – private folk schools, gymnasiums, teacherʼs seminars, preschools. New educational initiatives started (introduction of cooperation training at schools, and relatively to it the organization of special courses for the Ukrainian teachers; creation of a scientifically based system of students’ professional orientation; application of new effective forms of national-patriotic education; expansion of publishing activities; establishment of cultural and educational ties with the Ukrainian emigration to Northern America, etc.). The article focuses on the promoting activity of I. Kokorudz, his creation of a separate foundation, thanks to which new educational institutions were established for the Ukrainian youth. Keywords: Illia Kokorudz, national education, Association “Native School”, Ukrainian Academic Gymnasium, educational and enlightening initiatives, promoting, “Foundation of Illia and Ivanna Kokorudz”.

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