
According to modern data, the immune system includes central and peripheral organs of immunogenesis. The latter includes the lymphoid tissue associated with the tunica mucosa of the digestive canal. Among organs of the birds digestive tract, immune formations are extremely well developed in the cecum, due to their functional characteristics. The lymphoid tissue of the cecum and their diverticula in ducks insufficiently studied. The cecal (apical) diverticulum is a cone-shaped end of the cecum, in the wall of which there is a significant amount of lymphoid tissue. The aim of the research was to study the morphogenesis of cecal diverticula in ducks at the age of 150–240 days. To achieve this goal, linear parameters (length and maximum thickness) of the diverticula of the right and left ceca were determined, the microscopic structure of the diverticulum wall and the content of lymphoid tissue in it were investigated, and determined the forms that represented lymphoid tissue in the diverticulum wall tunics. Accepted methods of morphological studies were used to perform the work. The linear parameters (length and maximum thickness) of the diverticula of the right and left ceca change in ducks between the ages of 150 and 240 days. The lymphoid tissue, which determines the functional features of the cecal diverticula, is determined in their tunica mucosa and tunica muscularis in all age groups of ducks. The content of lymphoid tissue decreases with increasing age of the bird: in the tunica mucosa – from 71.80±1.11% in 150-day-old ducks to 59.30 ± 4.04% in 240-day-old, in tunica muscularis – from 60.42 ± 1.68% for a 150-day-old bird to 30.54 ± 1.60% for a 240-day-old. In ducks aged from 150 to 210 days in the tunica mucosa of the diverticula of the right and left ceca, lymphoid tissue is represented by two structural forms: diffuse and secondary lymphoid nodules, and in 240-day-old – only diffuse lymphoid tissue. Lymphoid tissue is represented only by secondary lymphoid nodules in the tunica muscularis of the diverticula of the right and left ceca of all studied age groups of ducks.


  • Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z

  • Для достижения поставленной цели определяли линейные параметры дивертикула правой и левой слепых кишок, исследовали микроскопическое строение стенки

  • Найбільше значення цього показника ся у віці від 180 до 210 діб – на 50%, а найбільша то- властиве 150-добовим (0,20 ± 0,01 см) качкам, а найвщина у віці від 210 до 240 діб – на 47,83%

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Матеріал і методи досліджень

Матеріал для дослідження відібрали від 16 голів бройлерних качок Благоварського кросу віком 150, 180, 210 і 240 діб (по чотири голови кожного віку). Їх годували спеціально приготовленими для такого віку стандартними комбікормами. При виконанні роботи використовували загальноприйняті методи морфологічних досліджень (Avtandilov, 1990; Horalskyi et al, 2005)

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