
The purpose of this study is to analyze the trends in cognitive linguistics research related to Ancient Chinese over the past ten years (2013–2022). The research achievements in ancient Chinese cognitive linguistics analyzed here include academic journal articles uploaded to CNKI and research projects selected by the MOE's national research support program in the last decade. Using CNKI, 178 articles related to this study were extracted from a total of 5,396 academic journal articles on cognitive linguistics focusing on the Chinese language. Basic analyses by year, period, and keywords were conducted, along with multi-layered analyses according to specific research areas. The detailed research fields were divided into seven categories: 'Grammar', 'History of Chinese Language', 'Semantics and Lexicon', 'Pragmatics', 'Chinese Characters', 'Contrastive Linguistics', and 'Translation and Sociolinguistics', with 'Semantics and Lexicon' having the highest proportion of cumulative research achievements. Additionally, there were a total of five research projects selected by the Chinese Ministry of Education, covering topics that combined 'Semantics' with 'Contrast', 'Pragmatics', and 'Grammar'. Among the designated literature studies, the works titled Shuowen Jiezi and Huangdi Neijing held the highest significance.

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