
the article analyzes one of the most important features of the revolution — its structure. The author highlights several structures, but the main attention is focusing on the analysis of сonflictologycal, socio-political and stage-event structure of the revolution. In the first part of the article examines the сonflictologycal and socio-political structures of the revolution. Conflictologycal structure characterizes the revolution as a massive socio-political conflict. It may be static and dynamic nature. Static сonflictologycal structure of the revolution consists of five components: 1. several warring sides the revolutionary conflict; 2. instigators and accomplices of the revolution of radical parties and groups, as well as instigators from abroad; 3. intermediaries from the side, usually from other States or international organizations; 4. conflict situation or the causes and motives of the revolution; 5. the background of the conflict, that is, the state of society before and during the revolution. Dynamic conflictologycal structure of the revolution includes: 1. latent stage of the conflict or the revolutionary situation exists in a latent form; 2. open stage, where political upheaval has not yet occurred, but it already speak and write openly, that creates social tension and violence, which have yet to develop into mass violence; 3. political upheaval; 4. moderate reform of the revolutionary Government; 5. the coming to power of the radical revolutionaries and a revolutionary escalation of conflict; 6. settlement of the revolutionary conflict that occurs when the come to power moderate and pragmatic forces. The social structure of the revolution shows on which layers and classes towards revolution differentially society. The political structure shared political forces on revolutionary and counterrevolutionary camps consisting of parties, movements their military organizations, units of the army and police. Social and political components form a single socio-political structure of the revolution. Its structural features are the so-called «new» and «color» revolution.

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