
The article deals with the problem of the lexical meaning of the word in the wide sense of the term. Today, linguists distinguish lexicographic meaning, psychologically real, associative, conceptual and symbolic meaning of the word. Proper names have the so-called noun meaning. The symbolic meaning in onyms depends on extralinguistic factors. Most often, onyms with symbolic meaning are used in poetic texts, because firstly, they are condensates of specific concepts, and secondly, author’s connotations that express emotional-evaluative relationships can be added to them. In the poetic texts of modern Odessa authors, the most frequent were mythonyms with symbolic meaning (72% of the total number of analyzed texts), biblical expressions (24%) were in the second place, and proper names of famous personalities (4%) were in the third place. Author’s connotations expressed, as a rule, a positive assessment; emotions of irony, self-irony, sense of humor.

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