
It is revealed that the subject “I am in the world” being an important component of the general elementary education content, is an effective tool and form of formation of the national and patriotic upbringing of the junior pupil. It is these lessons that give the opportunity to provide students with interesting textbooks about their native land, Ukraine, famous Ukrainians, history, and appeal to the people’s and spiritual heritage.The method of national and patriotic upbringing of junior pupils by means of Ukrainian studies is described, which reflects the purpose, tasks, and separate pedagogical conditions, methods of patriotic education and expected results of this process. Among the pedagogical conditions is the stimulation of interest in the history of the Ukrainian people, native land, expansion of knowledge about prominent Ukrainians, involvement of junior pupils in development of projects based on the Ukrainian studies, preparation of future teachers for similar work in school, etc.It is emphasized that the upbringing of the patriot of Ukraine has a national character, that is, it is based on ethno-national traditions of the Ukrainian people. The national consciousness is the core of national and patriotic upbringing – awareness of its national identity and the national past, which is an attribute of every nation. Based on the results of the questioning of junior schoolchildren and the students – future teachers, the following characteristics of this quality have been identified, such as: love for Ukraine and for historical past of the Ukrainian people; faith in its spiritual strength and purpose; the will and responsibility for bringing the Ukrainian people to a place of honor in a civilized world; the ability to understand and comprehend its history, culture, art, values, moral, customs, rituals, as well as the symbolism of its nation and native land; readiness to serve consciously the interests of Ukraine and take responsibility for its fate.

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