
The culturological direction of professional training of future foreign languages teachers as one of pedagogical conditions of formation of linguoculturological competence is considered and substantiated. The culturological direction of professional training of future teachers is focused on the priority of the role of culture in human life, especially in education. The education system is considered as a social institution for the development of individuality as a subject of culture. Given that culture is an individually mastered spiritual values, the purpose of education is to create a person as an individuality: the development of his spiritual strength, abilities, needs, education of morally responsible and socially adapted person. Thus the content of education is culture, and the way to introduce such content in the professional education of future foreign languages teachers in particular is a culturological approach, which involves close interaction of language and culture, namely language awareness as a cultural phenomenon and promotes intercultural consciousness. The linguistic personality is the bearer not only of spiritual, but also of national and cultural values, which form the central part of the national picture of the world, having different ways of linguistic expression. Consciousness is the acquired quality of personality and social system of knowledge, fixed in the language. Therefore language as a cultural phenomenon in such case appears as the means of forming the consciousness and mentality of the linguistic personality, as well as an indicator of the level of its formation. Multicultural consciousness is the ability of the person to perceive, understand and comprehend the phenomena of the multicultural world that based on self-awareness of the subject of culture through the unity of representations and knowledge about the peculiarity of cultures, systems of their values, necessary for interaction with representatives of other nationalities, solving professional problems in terms of intercultural interaction relying on cooperation and tolerant behavior. The essence of culturological direction in the professional training of future foreign languages teachers is close to the essence of linguoculturilogical competence, which is based on the relationship of language as a cultural phenomenon and linguistic personality as a representative of culture, and therefore a certain national consciousness. This can along with other pedagogical conditions ensure the success of the formation of linguoculturilogical competence of future foreign language teachers.

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