Aim: to study erythrocytes aggregation realized in a shear flow. Materials and methods. We registered standard hemorheological parameters in healthy volunteers under shear flow conditions using a light scattering concentric cylindrical aggregometer. Also characteristics of «hysteresis» were tested: erythrocytes aggregation was observed in accelerating and decelerating flow and its parameters were compared under a number of shear rates. Results. This comparison revealed «hysteresis» parameters that correlated with low-grade erythrocytes aggregation or with «hyperaggregation» state. Conclusion. The revealed «hysteresis» parameters disclose a balance between erythrocytes aggregation and disaggrega- tion in shear flow, but an extension clinical study is required to verify if such analysis would allow for detection of patients with anomalously high erythrocytes aggregation. REFERENCES 1. Meiselman H.J. Red blood cell aggregation: 45 years being curi- ous. Biorheology. 2009; 46 (1): 1–19. 2. Lee K., Kinnunen M., Khokhlova M.D. et al. Optical tweezers study of red blood cell aggregation and disaggregation in plas- ma and protein solutions. J Biomed Opt. 2016; 21 (3): 35001–10. 3. Firsov N.N., Dzhanashiya P.H. Introduction to experimental and clinical hemorheology [Vvedenie v eksperimental’nuyu i klin- icheskuyu gemoreologiyu]. Moskva: RGMU. 2008: 276 s (in Russ.). 4. Kim S., Popel A.S., Intaglietta M. et al. Aggregate formation of erythrocytes in postcapillary venules. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2005; 288 (2): H584–90. 5. Kaliviotis E., Dusting J., Sherwood J.M. et al. Quantifying local char- acteristics of velocity, aggregation and hematocrit of human eryth- rocytes in a microchannel flow. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2015; 63 (2): 123–48. 6. Firsov N.N., Vyshlova M.A. Theory of spontaneous aggregation and shear disaggregation of erythrocytes [Teoriya spontannoj agregacii i sdvigovoj dezagregacii eritrocitov]. Tromboz, gemostaz i reologiya. 2004; 2: 11–5 (in Russ.). 7. Firsov N.N., Sokolova I.A., Sirko I.V. et al. New parameter of blood microrheology: hysteresis loop of erythrocyte aggregation properties [Novyj parametr mikroreologii krovi: petlya gisterezi- sa agregacionnyh svojstv eritrocitov]. Tromboz, gemostaz i reologi- ya. 2010; 2: 34–9 (in Russ.). 8. Schmid-Schonbein H., Gaehtgens P., Hirsch H. On the shear rate dependence of red cell aggregation in vitro. J Clin Invest. 1968; 47 (6): 1447–54. 9. Donner M., Siadat M., Stoltz J.F. Erythrocyte aggregation: approach by light scattering determination. Biorheology. 1988; 25 (1–2): 367–75. 10. Korotaeva T.V., Firsov N.N., Bjelle A. et al. Erythrocytes aggre- gation in healthy donors at native and standard hematocrit: the influence of sex, age, immunoglobulins and fibrinogen concen- trations. Standardization of parameters. Clin Hemorheol Micro- circ. 2007; 36 (4): 335–43. 11. Melkumyants A.M., Balashov S.A., Khayutin V.M. Endothelium dependent control of arterial diameter by blood viscosity. Cardio- vasc Res. 1989; 23 (9): 741–7.
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